
Icons showing a website to mobile app conversion. This process is the core feature of Website2App

Your Store in Their Pocket

A Mobile App for your eCommerce Store frees you from admin so you can focus on growth.

Don’t compete for attention with the entire internet. Put your store in your customers pocket with a Website2App mobile app.

Scale Your Store With Your Own App

Icon highlighting the value a mobile app can bring to a shop
Location. Location. Location!

Get your store on the home screen of your customers’ phones and stop getting lost in large marketplaces.

Loyalty Icon
Repeat Purchases

You already have a list of customers, double down on them to grow repeat purchases and average cart size.

Shopping Cart
Control Your Demand

Send out push notifications to promote sales during quiet times or to help clear stock for new inventory.

No New Systems to Learn

Mobile2App syncs with your existing website so new orders will land in the same place as they do now.

Sample mobile app output for an ecommerce store after converting your website into a mobile app with Website2App
Mobile phone showing push notifications after having a website converted into a mobile app

Push Notifications Are Opened 10x More Than Email.

Control your demand, increase brand loyalty and customer engagement by opening up a real-time communitcation channel with your customers.

How Does It Work?

Configure Plugin

Install our plugin and work with us to configure it.

Publish To App Stores

We take care of the App Store listing and any tweaks required.

App Live To Download

Download your App from the App Store in less than 1 week!

Team members who will work on converting your website to a mobile app

An Experienced Team to Support Your App

Our support team is run by the founders and people who designed & developed our product.

Team members who will work on converting your website to a mobile app

Frequently Asked Questions

Website2App does not require high-level technical skills to configure. 

Analogous to a WordPress, WiX or Bubble plugin, Website2App has an interface you use to configure your app. Cut the learning curve time by watching our step-by-step configuration tutorials here.

Yes. Website2App is compatible with most websites.

Ensure your app has a great user experience by checking the load time and responsiveness of your website with our eligibility checker.

Custom navigation is a key feature of any app and therefore is included in Website2App. 

All menu items must link to existing pages on your website.  


Our years of mobile app development experience are leveraged to convert your website into a native mobile app that looks & feels like your website.

Submit your request via the homepage or the pricing page and the Website2App team will contact you and take care of everything.

As soon as our team receive the submission, we create the mobile app version of your website and submit to the Apple App Store for approval as well as any minor adjustments that may be required.

All things considered, less than 1 week. 

Occassionally, Apple or Google will ask for a revision. In this case, the Website2App team will consult with you and make some adjustments before re-submitting the app to the App Store. This refinement process can add another week to the process.

Not at all!

Wessite2App is super cheap to get started. $399 will get you two native mobile apps, published to the Google Play and App Stores. Keeping the apps live and supported by the Website2App team is $99/month.

Comparatively, a traditional app development process can cost upwards of $50,000.

Get Support from Website2App - an Illustrated man presenting a tutorial of frequently asked questions
Have Questions?

Watch our video tutorials that show you exactly how to configure our plugin for your website. The videos are lead by our lead designer, James, who will take you through every part of the configuration process.

Open a Whole New Sales Channel with Your Own Mobile App



Publish to App Store






Check how well your website will perform as a mobile app

Test your website and see how well your website is suited to being a mobile app. We’ll test your site’s performance and responsive design to ensure your users have a great experience when using any mobile app.

The Ultimate Customer Convenience

You want to make interactions with your online store as convenient as possible for all your customers. Convenience is the reason that people will pay 2x or 3x for a bottle of milk from the corner store over the supermarket, if you provide a convenient service for your customers, they are more likely to use it. With all of the different software tools required to grow your eCommerce store how does this translate into convenience for your customers?

Enter. Mobile Apps!

Mobile apps capitalise on the explosion in mobile phone use in the modern era. Most of your customers will open their phones up to 100 times per day, is there any other platform that gets as much attention as our mobile phones today? If your eCommerce store isn’t on mobile than you are missing out on a large opportunity. 

Mobile Apps no longer require a significant upfront investment of time or money. The Website2.App team have been developing custom mobile apps for over 10 years and have created over 680 mobile apps for our customers. One common trend we found was that many small businesses only needed basic functionality from a mobile app (like bookings and payments) and 99% of the time wanted a consistent look and feel to their website. This gave the team an idea to develop Website2.App that will create a mobile app version of your website, ready for the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.


A Mobile App for your eCommerce Store - Why Website2App?

The Website2.App team are just like you, we started an online business to solve a problem that we saw in the market and want to grow alongside great online stores like yours. We are making mobile apps accessible to all and we want your business to be next. We don’t outsource our work to agencies that don’t care about your business and there is a real person writing this post, not a robot. That is the same level of care that the Website2.App team want to give your business, we aren’t just a platform, we are a partner in your growth and want to see you succeed along side us!

To see how an app for your small business can help give you the Software Superpowers that your small business needs to grow, enter your website URL and email in the form below and we will send you a mock-up of your mobile app to start your journey to a more convenient, digital future!

Fill in the Form Below to see your Store as a Mobile App