Privacy Policy

Last updated on 22nd of January 2023

Privacy Act 1988

Privacy Policy – About this Policy

A Privacy policy is an important part of doing business. This is the Policy of the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles require of Website2App PTY LTD in relation to Personal Information of Users.

This Policy concerns how Website2App may collect, store, use and disclose a User’s Personal Information.

At any time Website2App PTY LTD may modify, add to or replace this Policy where the change is notified via the App at least 7 days before it takes effect.
The current version of this Policy is available from WP Native Apps on request.


Website means a computer program designed to run on a browser on your device.
Personal Information means in relation to a User information about his or her:
(a) name, date of birth;
(b) phone number, email address, place of residence;
(c) ethnicity, race, religion;
(d) special needs dietary requirements;
(e) contract with a Provider contacted via the App;
(f) bank and credit card details or other payment mechanism;
(g) other information that is ‘personal information’ under Australian Privacy Principles.

Collection of Personal Information

Website2App may collect Personal Information of a User from the User concerned, and / or from other parties and publicly available sources such as from the internet and social media.

Website2App will only collect Personal Information of a User:
to provide services to that User via the App or Website;
to manage its relationships with Providers able to be contacted via the App or Website;
to manage its business; and / or
for any purpose required or authorised by law.

If Personal Information of a User is not given to Website2App, it will adversely affect its ability to provide services to the User.

Use of Personal Information

Website2App may disclose Personal Information of a User to any of the following:
the User;

  • a person authorised by the User;
  • persons to whom Website2App may contract out some business functions and activities, such as data storage;
  • any person, body or agency (such as a Government Department or Court) where required or allowed by law.
  • Website2App does not disclose Personal Information to any overseas person or organisation.

Security & Management of Personal Information

Website2App will take reasonable steps to ensure:

  • the Personal Information it collects, uses or discloses is accurate, complete and up-to-date; and
  • the Personal Information it holds is protected from misuse and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

Destruction of Personal Information

Website2App will destroy or de-identify any Personal Information no longer required by Website2App.

Access and correction of Personal Information

Under the Privacy Act 1988, a User has right to request Website2App to provide the User access to his or her Personal Information, and if any of that information is incorrect the User can request Website2App change it.

Contact details are on Website2App’s website

There may be fees for accessing or correcting Personal Information.


If a User believes Website2App has not complied with the Privacy Act 1988 or the Australian Privacy Principles in relation to the User, the User can make a complaint by contacting Website2Apps Privacy Officer on (61 + 2) 8959 4707.

Website2App is not a member of an external dispute resolution scheme. If the User is not satisfied with Website2Apps handling of his or her complaint, the User may refer the complaint to the Australian Information Commissioner at The Australian Privacy Principles can also be downloaded from the Commissioner’s website.

For more information please use our support page to contact us for clarification or assistance. More information on the Privacy Act of 1988 can be found here.

Document on a clipboard highlighting a privacy policy